Tuesday, October 6, 2009

School Violence

What are the cause(s) of school violence?

I found this topic interesting and wanted to do further research on it to answer any questions that I had. I think it is important for people to be aware of the causes of school violence and preventions that they can take in order to put an end to it.

It is stated that there are many underlying causes of school violence. Some of the most influential causes of school violence are bullying, peer pressure, gang involvement, home life situations, and media. Even though school shootings have decreased by 1 % in the past ten years, it is still a major issue in our society. Violent behavior tends to start at a young and escalates as time goes on. The most common types of violence in schools are fist fight and bullying. This is said to be the stepping stone to a bigger more significant form of violence.

I can not believe that when I read preventing school violence in the Education book, it stated that each day ten children die from gunfire. This was appalling to me! School should be a fun safe place where children go to learn and feel secure at all times.

There are many preventions that teachers and faculty members can take in order to prevent school shootings. It is important to teach students to respect others, no matter how different they appear to be on the outside; because we all have the same needs and aspirations on the inside. Schools need to educate students about preventing violence so it won't be an issue down the road. Violent intervention programs allow students to practice anger management, teach them how to use conflict resolutions, and non violent ways to handle difficult situations. Students need to be taught at an early age what behavior is acceptable and what will not be tolerated.

Overall, School violence for the most part can be resolved if kids are educated about it at a young age. As a teacher, I would push for school violence prevention programs. I know how important and influential it can be on a child.





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