Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Educational Philosopher

The philosopher I choose to research was Howard Gardner. Howard Gardner was born in 1938. His parents were both Jewish and had fled from persecution in Nazi Germany before Howard was born. He had an older brother named Eric that he never met because he was killed in an accident before Howard was born. Growing up Howard was not able to play sports. By the age of 13 he had become an exceptional pianist and even considered a Carrer in music. He attended Harvard in 1961 for social relations. He then received a PhD in 1971.

In 1981, Howard Gardner was awarded a MacArthur Prize Fellowship. He continued to work at Harvard and Boston University School of Medicine.

He was best known for his theory of multiple intelligence. This idea is based on the belief that there is different types of of "intelligences" in human beings. He suggests that each individual manifests varying levels of intelligence. There are said to be eight intelligences... linguistic, logic-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily kinesthetic, naturalist, interpersonal and intrapersonal.

I chose to do Howard Gardner because I believe/agree with his philosophy. I think that each individual has their own specific intelligence. It is not scientfic related. With each intelligence there is a level. And different people are on different levels. One child may be stronger in a different kind of intelligence in the other. I believe this to be true because we are all for the most part on different levels. This does not make one person smarter or better than the other.

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