Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dress Code

Why should kids be forced to wear uniforms in public schools?

I chose to discus this controversial issue on dress codes across the country. I chose this topic because its really an interesting topic. This question has also been raised numerous times in my own town meetings in Wakefield, MA. I don't agree with dress codes, however it would be interesting to see opposing ideas. I want to find out why people make such big deals over uniformed dress codes.

I have found through various sights that having a dress code implies that there is discipline. It is also said that it brings dignity to the school and it's population. Dress codes mean that behavior and conduct will be regulated. "It is an effective method of training children to conform to social rules and regulations so that they would become decorous citizens."Also, teachers want to keep students focused on their academics, rather than their attire. Depending upon what you wear, it can affect others around you. For example, if a student wears baggy genes and bandannas, they may be associated with gangs. In turn, many other student may fear them. People also tend to wear provocative clothing which may distract others from their school work. T-shirts with cigarettes, violence, and alcohol are not allowed. They are promoting things that should never be promoted. Many students also are subject to harassment based on the clothes they wear. By developing a uniform dress code, these students will no longer be the subject to mean slurs or harassment. Also, no one will be able to tell if someone is poor or has no money. Statistics show that there is an improvement in class attendance because students always have something to wear. Overall, it just make for a more productive learning environment and experience.

After researching this question, I can now see why so many people do want dress codes in our public schools. However, i still stand for not having dress codes. I mean come one, aren't children at that age old enough to decide what they want to wear for themselves? By enlisting a dress code you are taking away from a child's uniqueness and self expression. I believe that having a dress code will make the school a boring place. Everyone dressing the same just isn't interesting. Students should be able to express themselves and not hold back. However, i do agree that there should be some restrictions to certain dress attire. For example, the length of girl's skirts and shorts, or no t-shirts with alcohol, drugs, sex, or violence on them, no bandannas should be allowed to be worn, or guys boxes being able to hang out. Besides those, I think that it is fair enough to let them wear what they want to.

I do not believe that I can make a difference on this topic by myself. In order to make a difference i would need to find other people who have the same ideas and beliefs on this topic as i do. After doing so, I could start a partition and see where that takes me. I could also do a lot more research on this topic and weigh the pros and cons of having a dress code. Then in turn could go to the board of education and show them my petition and findings. Hopefully, this will help them make the right desicion.

Websites used:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Introduction of me:

Hey the names Kelly and I'm a sophomore at SSC. I commute to school every day from Wakefield (which is about a 45 min ride). I am 19 years old and I am currently enrolled in Social Work and Psychology. I love hanging out with friends and partying. I also love to go shopping and spend money. My time usually consists on the softball field. I play softball for a town league. When I'm not playing on the field, I am coaching. I coach a little girls softball league. I also enjoy playing sports for fun (soccer,basketball,football). I LOVE the Red Sox and Patriots! I just love watching them play. I'm really easy to get along with, and have many friends. My interests consist of the summer, beach, tanning, sports, family, shopping, ice-cream, movies, hanging out with friends, going into town, helping kids out, and trying my best to always keep people laughing and smiling! I hope to one day be a successful social worker. =)